Love conquers all. As Valentine’s Day approaches, we have an opportunity to reflect on the impact of love. Millions of dollars will be spent on flowers, teddy bears, and chocolates, which your local florist and shops give thanks over. Below the surface of superficial gifts, we find so much more.
In January, I celebrated five years as President of The STAR Center. When I walked through the doors my first day, I thought I knew what love was. I thought I knew what it meant to care for others. Over the last five years I have seen example after example of love being lived out. This has grown my understanding of love, confirming love conquers all. This happens through the interactions of our team each and every day. We have a front row seat to witness the love of families, staff, and the community as a whole.
When we think about parents welcoming a child with a disability into the world, we are unsure of how we would react. I’m sure those families we serve had a similar feeling. Once the love from our Creator, God, begins to move in and through them, their life and heart begins to change. Some are shaken upon the diagnosis later in life, and love calms the fear surrounded by those words parents never thought they would hear. This love becomes the focus and remains the glue that holds everything else together. Seeing moms and dads walk this path provides so much encouragement to me and confirms love conquers all.
The STAR Center Team
Our team members are the next group I watch and can see how love motivates when the stress and frustration rises. They show up to work each day with a singular focus to love the one in front of them, period. We often hear about unconditional love, and think it can only be seen through the lens of family. I can testify that’s not the only place. Our team members love those we serve unconditionally.
The Community
Finally, for almost 32 years, our community has shown love to our organization in ways many wouldn’t have thought possible. Many of you have given of your time, talent, and treasure to The STAR Center to make the lives of those we serve better. You have given to us because of love, and we have loved those we serve, many of whom you will never meet.
On this Valentine’s week, I am surrounded by a family, work family, and community that knows how to love. How has love impacted your life?