The coronavirus (COVID-19) has taken the world by storm. It is something that is affecting every one of us daily. There are conversations about what to do, when to do it, and how we should go about it. The problem with all these questions is the absence of clear answers. While pandemics are not new, each one of them is different. The STAR Center is working daily to ensure we are doing all we can to mitigate the risk to those we serve and to those who serve them.
Healthcare workers
When I hear the news about all sports canceled, schools closed, and conferences postponed, I’m reminded about those on the front line. We want to say “Thank YOU.” Those who work in our local hospitals and clinics do not have the option to close. They are standing ready to serve their friends, neighbors, or patients should they get sick. This is without any exception. If someone needs a heart doctor, they are ready. If someone needs an emergency appendectomy, they are ready. If someone needs chemotherapy, they are ready. If someone contracts COVID-19, they are ready to serve.
In addition to our healthcare community, we must remember our first-responders on the front line. When we dial 9-1-1, we have an expectation the police, fire, or EMS will respond. We know, regardless of what shuts down, our first-responders not shut down and more importantly, they stand ready to serve.
One final category on the front line is mothers. How many of you have heard the term “man sick?” I know what it is, and might have had it before. The group who continues to nurture, care for, and serve, regardless of how they feel, are moms. They are on the front line within our homes and we give thanks to them, too. Stay tuned for a SPECIAL announcement regarding moms coming SOON.
We want to hear from you. Share your stories of how any of the front line people, mentioned above, have impacted your life. Leave a comment below.